The committee of the HCCNZ is elected at the annual AGM by it's members and consist of:
President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Runs and Tour organisers, assistant to the above, Support Officer, Editor/Webmaster One of the elected Committee members will at the AGM be elected as the President. |
Club Meetings
The club executives meet on the first Monday of each month. (Except in January)
Keep an eye out for the newsletter, which will publish the meeting dates. Wednesday midmorning get-together are held every fourth Wednesday of the month. Club runs or annual events are held each month, with details published in the newsletter and on the website. Club outings are by the members, and for the members. |
Veteran vehicles are exclusive to the London-Brighton and Winter Wander events and pre 31st December 1918 vehicles to the Brass Era Tour.
Period attire is also actively encouraged for these tours. Members without veteran cars may attend these events as supporters in their modern vehicle. All other club runs and the Spring Tour event welcome veteran, vintage or modern vehicles and lots of smiles. |
The newsletter is published bi-monthly during the first week of Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct, and Dec.
The deadline for compiling is the 20th of the month preceding each publication (10 days prior). |